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Pilgrim Badges

Pilgrim badges were sold in the medieval period as souvenirs of pilgrimage. All of the badges below are accurate copies of surviving pewter artefacts. For information on the history of pilgrim badges please refer to the ‘History’ section of the website. Devotional badges are also included in this section.

P33-Rome, The Veronica
P33-Rome, The Veronica

P33-Rome, The Veronica

By the 14th century the Sudarium or Veronica had become Rome’s principal relic. This relic was reputedly the cloth on which St Veronica had wiped the sweat from Jesus’ face on the way to his crucifixion. Miraculously, his features were imprinted onto the cloth, which, by the 8th century had found its way to Rome and by the 14th century was exhibited at St Peter’s every Sunday. Souvenirs of this relic, known in England as Vernicles, were highly prized and are mentioned in both Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales and Langland’s Piers Plowman.

Original found in the Netherlands.

15th century.

20x 25mm The face of Christ within a cruciform nimbus.
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